
Chase Dimond – The Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook


Drive 40-50% of revenue from Email Marketing in Q4 with these proven techniques by 8-figure marketers.

Even if you’ve never personally sent an email campaign in your life, this will work for you.

Q4 is the most nerve-wracking time for all Ecommerce businesses, every single year.

To make matters worse, advertising costs have nearly doubled, shipping costs are up, and supply chains have become completely unreliable in the last year.

Founders and marketers have been set up to fail.

Even though Q4 is supposed to be your most successful quarter of the year due to Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the Holiday season…

Everything that could go wrong is currently going wrong.

As always, owned media could be the only thing that will allow Ecommerce brands to flourish.

By owned media, I’m referring to the list of emails that you’ve collected on your site since you launched your brand.

A list of 10,000 email addresses that have opted into your marketing emails is a list of 10,000 free leads that are warm and ready to buy from you.

To combat the challenges that founders and marketers are facing with acquiring new customers…

I’ve created the Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook.

After a decade of email marketing experience and 5+ years of Ecommerce experience, I’ve compiled everything I know about how to craft a flawless plan to drive record-breaking revenue for Black Friday & Cyber Monday.

Make no mistake.

Just because you have email flows set up in Klaviyo (or whatever email platform you’re using) and a vault of campaigns ideas that you’re ready to send out does NOT mean that you’re anywhere near ready for BFCM.

Email Marketing strategy must change for this time period.

Every high-level brand is doing something different, and communicating to their customers in a novel way.

If you keep doing what you’re already doing without implementing these necessary tweaks, your customer will choose your competitor every single time.

It doesn’t matter if you’re offering 95% off.

You can’t compete.

Inside The Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook, I’ve included my best strategies and resources that will be as close to a guarantee that you make a fortune for your brand/client for Q4:

  • An overview of general Email Marketing strategy, understanding WHY you need to do what I teach
  • Unique campaign ideas that will convert like crazy (before, during, and after BFCM)
  • Flow/automation concepts that are overlooked by 99% of brands (before, during, and after BFCM)
  • Proven, high-converting swipe copy that you can steal directly from my slides and paste into your emails
  • A step-by-step how-to for acquiring more email subscribers, and consistently being their favorite emails in their inbox
  • How to increase deliverability and land in their primary tab when it matters most


You’ll also learn about my proven abandonment technique that retains 120% more warm leads than your current flow set-up.

I have never seen anyone else do this, and the results we got last year from this technique were absolutely mind-blowing.

There is no fake scarcity here for this playbook.


I highly recommend you invest in this resource as soon as you possibly can.

BFCM is coming up very soon. In order to get the best results, it’s imperative that you start early.

The last thing you want is to rush this process, miss certain steps, miss out on leads, and miss out on revenue.

Ideally, everything I outline in this playbook should be set up and understood in the first week of October. Anything past the second week of October is risky and may result in sub-par results.

The best time to implement is right now.

I haven’t heard or seen anyone else in the Email Marketing community share what I’ve shared in this playbook.

This is the closest thing to a “magic bullet” that exists for this type of strategy.

Of course, your own creativity and ideas will take these concepts from a 10 to an 11…

But there is nothing missing in this playbook.

Everything you need in order to drive 50%+ in email-attributed revenue for BFCM is right here.

If you follow exactly what I teach, you will have one of the most successful Q4s you’ve ever had with your brand/client.

To get a leg-up on every brand that’ll be competing for your customer’s attention on Black Friday and completely wipe them out…

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Chase Dimond – The Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook
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