
Cecilia Sardeo – The Mindvalley Yoga Quest


Join a selection of today’s best yoga teachers in this 21-day program that gives you a life-changing & lifelong foundation in yoga

To the yoga newbie or enthusiast seeking the easiest path to all the amazing rewards of yoga:

The glistening abs. The unshakeable calm. The boundless stamina. The poses that bend the laws of physics.

When the average yoga beginner or casual practitioner observes the experts, many often think:

“I’m not slim enough…”

“I’m not flexible enough…”

“I’m not young enough…”

“I don’t have enough time…”

“I don’t have the discipline…”

But if any of these thoughts sound familiar to you, know that you are enough. And that you too can adopt a life-changing yoga practice that gives you all the incredible rewards of this timeless practice.

This is the promise of The Mindvalley Yoga Quest: a 21-day online program featuring fun, transformational, easy-to-follow coaching with a selection of the world’s best yoga teachers.

A Handpicked Team Of The World’s Best Yoga Instructors

When you join The Mindvalley Yoga Quest, you enjoy intimate guidance from not one, but nine world-class yoga instructors – each with their own unique perspective that enriches your understanding of the whole.

Your main designated host is Cecilia Sardeo: Mindvalley’s resident yoga instructor, who has personally helped thousands of people reap the rewards of this life-changing practice in a fun and accessible way (including Mindvalley founder Vishen Lakhiani himself, and our entire team).

Joining Cecilia are a selection of critically acclaimed yoga instructors from across the world; including international sensation Tymi Howard, the “Anthony Robbins of yoga” Dashama Gordon, and yoga rebel Erin Motz.

Under normal circumstances, it would be nearly impossible (and extremely costly) to learn from all these amazing teachers under one unified curriculum – but for the first time ever, The Mindvalley Yoga Quest makes it accessible to anyone.

Cecilia Sardeo, Head Instructor Of The Mindvalley Yoga Quest

Cecilia Sardeo is Mindvalley’s resident yoga coach – and a celebrated teacher with thousands of students around the world. Cecilia was introduced to the ancient art of Yoga as a young child by her father, but would later give up on the practice in adulthood as she focused all her attention and energy to her career and entrepreneurial endeavors. But after years of “hustling” and relentless work, Cecilia, at the age of 28, found herself 44 pounds overweight, and more stressed out and unbalanced in her life than ever before. Cecilia would later rekindle her love for Yoga, completing a 500-hour yoga teacher certification in Bali. In doing so, she discovered powerful techniques (both on and off the mat) that helped her not only lose that excess weight, but also thrive in her personal and professional life. She is now a certified Yoga instructor and her mission is to share the same love she has for this ancient art with the rest of the world, and help others – regardless of their age, background, and experience – reap the multi-dimensional benefits of Yoga.

What You’ll Learn

Improve Your Mobility.

Discover how to use yoga to increase your range of motion – so you can harness your body to perform better in your daily activities and exercise, reduce physical pain and discomfort, and get more out of life.

Increase Your Flexibility.

Let your yoga coaches gently condition your muscles for amazing flexibility, allowing you to move more comfortably throughout the day – and stretch towards previously unreachable exercise and lifestyle goals.

Better Injury Protection.

Develop a stronger, more resilient, and more youthful body that experiences injury and pain to a far lesser degree (and that heals faster, whenever injuries do occur).

Optimized Cardio & Circulatory Health.

Cardiovascular health issues are one of the biggest culprits behind reduced lifespan and quality of life. Discover simple yoga exercises that strengthen and protect your cardio and circulatory systems.

Enhanced Athletic Performance.

Run faster, jump higher, lift more, and last longer by conditioning your body to be in the best athletic shape of your life – regardless of your age or current physical condition.

Gain A Healthy & Attractive Physique.

Get into your ideal shape by losing excess fat, gaining muscle definition, and improving your posture – not through gruelling workouts, buy enjoyable yoga exercises that you’ll actually look forward to.

Explore The Mindvalley Yoga Quest Curriculum

The Mindvalley Yoga Quest is a fun, accessible way to lock in a rewarding yoga practice for the four dimensions of you.

For 21 days, you join your head yoga instructor Cecilia Sardeo, and eight world-class yoga teachers in a series of easy-to-follow 20 – 30 minute daily sessions and weekly live calls.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or you already have some experience – you get all the love and guidance you need to enrich your life with the remarkable power of yoga.

PART 1 Just Move: Flexibility, Energizing, Detoxing

You’ll begin your first week of the Mindvalley Yoga Quest by creating space to energize your body and mind. A big goal here is not to strive for perfection, but to release all judgment and flow in the direction your body feels like. The tensions and frictions you release in this first week will help you begin expanding your boundaries, and get the most from the coming weeks.

Highlights include:

  • Power & grace with Tymi Howard: strengthen your core and upper body, allowing you to stand strong in your power and grace.
  • Forward bends with Richard Schultz: a simple yet effective way to strengthen your hamstrings, calves, and back muscles.
  • Energizing you with Delamay Devi: gentle movements that center you and bring energy back into your body.
  • Break a sweat with Erin Motz: a strong flow focused on your legs; get ready to work up a nice sweat.
  • Creating space with Cecilia Sardeo: discover Santosha, an empowering state of mind that allows you to focus on what matters.
  • Root to rise with Tymi Howard: fortify your lower body with a balance of Vinyasa and Yin yoga, allowing for greater mobility, strength, and flexibility.
  • Seated moving meditation with Delamay Devi: release tension and return to a state of blissful flow with this water-inspired movement.

PART 2 Strengthen Your Base: Core Strength, Stability, Balance

In your second week you’ll move onto strengthening your base and core, so you can access greater confidence and stability, on and off the mat. The benefits of this are life-changing and include better resistance to injury and back pain, hardier inner organs, a healthier central nervous system, and better posture.

Highlights include:

  • Self-love with Aaron Kleinerman: experience sun salutations and standing asanas that connect you with a deep sense of self-love.
  • Strength & balance with Dashama Gordon: a dynamic Vinyasa sequence that boosts your strength and balance as it raises your confidence and focus.
  • Holy hips & hamstrings with Tymi Howard: unclog the emotional issues in your tissues through a series of hip-opening Yin & Yang yoga poses.
  • 6 pack yoga abs with Dashama Gordon: a Dynamic Vinyasa routine that tightens your abs, with the added benefit of enhanced confidence and digestion.
  • Love & respect with Cecilia Sardeo: infuse your life with the philosophy of Ahimsa, a sense of deep respect for all living things, including yourself.
  • Find your center with Erin Motz: a rejuvenating core workout that challenges your muscles and returns you to balance.
  • Motivation meditation with Bryan Kremer: strengthen your third chakra, access a higher sense of self-awareness, and reconnect with your sense of purpose.

PART 3 Courage & Spice: Overcoming Fears, Balancing Core & Arms, Final Integration

Your final week takes your yoga journey to thrilling new levels. You’ll harness the energy and strength you’ve gained so far to soar beyond the limitations and frustrations that once pinned you down – and create a new reality defined by unbreakable courage and authenticity. This week may challenge you a little more, but the rewards are life-changing.

Highlights include:

  • Prepare to invert with Delamay Devi: a warm-up flow for the feathered peacock pose, which will leave you amazed at what your body can do.
  • Release your inner warrior with Lindsay Sukornyk: a Vinyasa flow that clarifies your clearest intention for what you truly want in life.
  • Core strengthening with Richard Schultz: a Hatha flow for building a strong abdominal foundation, while toning and burning fat.
  • Feathered peacock pose with Delamay Devi: improve your balance, calm your mind, and vaporize stress as you invert your body.
  • Truth and courage with Cecilia Sardeo: explore the concept of Satya, which means staying true to yourself and having the courage to reach for your highest potential.
  • Self-loving balance with Aaron Kleinerman: experience a series of arm balances and inversions designed to push your limits and release your fears.
  • Follow your bliss with Lindsay Sukornyk: a restorative wrap-up that encourages you to fully surrender, recharge, and receive all the benefits of your journey.

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Cecilia Sardeo – The Mindvalley Yoga Quest
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