
Brittany Lewis – Top Seller Secret


Revealing My Simple 3-Step Method That Helped Me Reach Consistent $100k+ Years On Etsy Since 2014…

(and I did it all ORGANICALLY, without social media, paid ads, or marketplaces like Shopify or Amazon!)

You see, the real secret is in leveraging Etsy’s built in traffic stream (70 million shoppers PER YEAR).

When you know exactly how to make the Etsy search algorithm your BFF like I learned how to, your shop will skyrocket with less effort and unbelievable results!

Listen, after 4+ years of working with print on demand sellers of all types (and being a seller myself for 7 years) I know a thing or two about what holds you back from breaking through.

You want a serious print on demand business. You know you have what it takes, but everything you do (even when you feel as if you’re doing everything “right”) just doesn’t seem to take off like you imagined it would. 

There’s conflicting information everywhere. It’s likely you’ve spent hours watching YouTube videos and came out the other side even more confused than before. Well, I’ve got some great news… What if I told you that you can now stop the desperate search and escape the maddening guessing game? Everything you need is in one place right here. 



 Strategy  |  Design  |  Pinterest  |  Mega Seller Mentality  |  Everything In Between

◉  S T R A T E G Y

ONLY what’s most important in terms of organically (meaning leveraging the pre-existing 100+ million shoppers ALREADY ON ETSY) building and scaling your Etsy shop WITHOUT ADS or social media necessary.


• Detailed search engine optimization (SEO) strategy  to get your listings ranking on the first page of search results for the most relevant keywords (this is how you scale a shop organically – you MUST be easily seen!).  You’ll learn how to do this by utilizing the goldmine that is

• Product/niche selection based on real customer data (and NOT guesses!).

• My tried & tested in-depth process for testing, analyzing & building out on what’s working in your shop in order to scale it to the moon

• Plus MUCH more! All systems & processes are supported with deep-dive style, yet simple, homework to help guide you as efficiently and effectively as possible through it all!

◉  D E S I G N 

How to create best selling designs without being a designer – this is my specialty. You’ll learn how to create exactly what people want so they BUY (and they buy a lot).

• Canva, Photoshop Elements, and design tutorials

• All the design basics including color matching for print on demand, design dimensions, and more.

• Best selling design templates (created by me in Canva) that you can edit and use on your own products to accelerate sales.

• MANY screen share videos of me executing design creation so you can see my design process first hand at work.

• Choosing fonts/text designs, and more!

◉  P I N T E R E S T

After hitting 20+ MILLION views on my Etsy shop’s Pinterest account, I decided it was a non-negotiable that I taught other sellers how to harness the power of this unique (and highly viable) platform.

Included in this course, I spill every last Pinterest secret I have and teach you exactly how to execute a winning Pinterest strategy to boost traffic and sales in your shop with very little effort (and no money on ads necessary!).

I discovered one simple MEGA keyword hack that nobody talks about – yet it changed everything for my Pinterest views + engagement. I teach you every step of it here.

◉  M E G A   S E L L E R   M E N T A L I T Y 

Learn what separates the low performing sellers from the massively successful sellers on Etsy and how to develop that winning mindset that will help you achieve, grow, and maintain a 6-figure annual income on Etsy!

◉  E V E R Y T H I N G   I N   B E T W E E N

Worried you’ll still be missing something? Don’t be.

You’ll learn every last detail you need to know in order to get to where you’re trying to go on Etsy.

Included in this course is also all the right information on creating highly effective mockup photos, over 12+ hours of group coaching call replays, motivational print outs, cheat sheets, organizational Google Docs, recordings of me doing shop critiques, and SO MUCH MORE!

If you’re ready to achieve something big with me…

THEN YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. They don’t call me the organic queen for nothin’! If you’ve been trying to make print on demand work for a while or if you’ve spent just about any amount of time in related Facebook groups… You’ve probably thought or heard that maybe print on demand (or Etsy itself) just doesn’t work.
“Some people just get lucky,” and “Print on demand is way too oversaturated to make it as a new seller”. LIES. All lies.

You see, when people don’t have the right information – when they don’t properly understand a situation, they make the next logical assumptions. When it comes to print on demand it does seem logical that, if you’re not successful after trying “everything” in your shop, it’s probably due to over-saturation or Etsy not “working”.

But those assumptions are based on misinformation and they are not, in fact, the truth.

When you know the right stuff and apply it appropriately, you quickly discover that the real problem was your approach.

What can you expect from Top Seller Secret?

Top Seller Secret is a ZERO FLUFF, extremely potent program created specifically to help you create the biggest results in the shortest amount of time in your shop. It’s all about how to leverage Etsy’s organic traffic stream and become the top seller you’ve been dreaming about!

By the end of the program, you’ll be a pro at…

  • Understanding how to make the right shop growth decisions based on simple data and not on guesses. Choices that aren’t a shot in the dark, and the detailed (but streamlined) processes used to gather all the necessary information. This will save you hours upon hours of time AND accelerate your efforts for bigger, faster results!
  • Choosing and creating the right products + designs that bring the best results and the methods used to test and scale your entire product offering with ease. Having the right, most in demand product offering is where the majority of failed sellers go wrong. It’s essential.
  • Running your business on your terms. When you have the right processes and structures in place to support your biz, you have more space and freedom to be creative and have fun!

No more struggling. No more confusion. No more wasting time.

Here’s how the program breaks down…

My 6 Figure Scaling Process: The I.O.D. Method

My I.O.D. Method (and the processes it’s comprised of) is literally my top seller secret and the heart and soul of this program.

It is my promise to you that each video of this course will be 110% value packed and ripe for immediate implementation.

The I.O.D. Method is deceptively simple and wildly effective:

➤ Step One: Identify – Top trends, niches, demand.

➤ Step Two: Optimize – Search engine optimization, listing photos, pricing, listing details.

➤ Step Three: Develop – Scaling your business through testing/collecting real time data/building out based on that data.

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Brittany Lewis – Top Seller Secret
Brittany Lewis – Top Seller Secret
$1,697.00 $37.00 Add to Cart

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