
Breakthrough Conversions Academy – Csaba Borzasi




The ONLY emotional response marketing system that merges the timeless wisdom of the greatest copywriters and marketers of all time with what’s working NOW in 2022…

Into a repeatable, step-by-step process that anyone can use with ease.

That’s right.

This is the ONLY program where someone went through all the G.O.A.T.s of copywriting…

Dissected their work…

Reverse-engineered their brilliance…

Extracted their unique essence…

And put them all into ONE breakthrough step-by-step system that WORKS.

In fact, Breakthrough Conversions Academy is a completely NEW way to look at marketing and copywriting…

That will empower you to:

  • Dramatically boost your current conversion rates and sales in an ethical way
  • Gain unshakeable confidence in your copywriting and marketing skills
  • Cut the time you need to create winning sales letters, emails, or ads in HALF
  • Become a well-respected expert who pumps out winning copy left and right
  • Quickly and consistently create high-converting funnels (for yourself or your clients)
  • Feel safe and in control of your life, without feeling like an “impostor” or “fraud”
  • Enjoy more wealth, health, and happiness in your business and in your life


…You’ve tried something like this before but failed

…You feel mortified each time you launch a new campaign

…You often struggle with “Impostor Syndrome” or “Blank Page Syndrome”

…You despise selling to others and hate hypey marketing campaigns

…You feel like you’re stuck in your copywriting or business career

Here’s How Breakthrough Conversions Academy Will Get You There

There are 9 foundational modules…

EACH one specifically engineered and battle-tested to give you the most no-nonsense practical help to consistently create persuasive marketing messages with ease.

These are:

Module 1
The Fundamental Principles of Direct Response Copywriting

In this foundational module, you’ll discover:

  • The PUREST essence of copywriting nobody talks about today (and believe me, I’ve looked…)
  • The “Promise-Believability” Matrix… a unique new way to look at persuading people to buy
  • Why – in 95% of cases – you aren’t really selling what you THINK you’re selling (And what you’re ACTUALLY selling through your product or service)
  • The #1 way to melt away your prospect’s objections with ease… and turn them into devout BELIEVERS for life
  • The “mother” of ALL copywriting formulas… Single-handedly responsible for BILLIONS of dollars in sales (and NO, it’s not “AIDA”, “PAS”, or “PPPP”)
  • Eugene Schwartz’s 4 game-changing marketing secrets that revolutionized the marketing industry as we know it. (In fact, one of these is the sole reason why sales funnels exist today!)
  • 7 proven ”quick-n-dirty” copywriting templates & checklists you can use to reliably pump out winning copy FAST – even if you’re a beginner

Module 2
The Psychology Behind Persuasive Copywriting & Copy-Thinking

I promise you’ve never seen a more advanced masterclass in emotional response marketing before.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The secret evolutionary psychology behind persuasive messages that NO ONE talks about
  • A deep dive into the world of emotional persuasion… through the lens of the BEST emotional copywriters of all time
  • How to identify & tap into your ideal prospect’s deepest NEGATIVE emotions like Shame, Fear, Anger, and Guilt
  • How to identify & tap into your ideal prospect’s deepest POSITIVE emotions like Redemption and Unconditional Acceptance (Often-overlooked emotions that actually drive action like CRAZY!)
  • The BEST way to infuse these powerful emotions into your “Big Ideas” and Headlines to make them 10X more effective!
  • 7 core desires 99.9% of people constantly crave like crazy… and how to use these in your copywriting for maximum effectiveness

Module 3
The “No-Nonsense” 80/20 Marketing Research Process

Yes, yes – I know research isn’t the sexiest of topics out there…

But it’s an absolutely essential aspect of creating winning marketing campaigns.


To make this important topic as painless and swift as possible, I scoured through thousands of pages of my notes…

Revisited scores of past projects I did with various clients…

And analyzed how the best of the best copywriters did their own research…

To come up with a totally UNIQUE blueprint for doing marketing research FAST, in a no-nonsense way.

That’s why, in this module, you’ll discover:

  • The REAL reason why research is soooo essential if you want to be successful
  • The ONLY 8 things you need to look for while doing research. (Most people waste 10s of hours “mindlessly” researching… but armed with this list, you’ll cut your research time by 80%!)
  • My custom-built “Ultimate Marketing Research Kit” that’s so effective… several past students have joined the program JUST to get access to this!
  • 5 of the BEST places to find exactly what you’re looking for FAST in 2022
  • How to know when you’ve done enough research… so you don’t spend any more time on it than needed!
  • 6 sneaky research mistakes you NEED to avoid like the plague! (HINT: 95% of copywriters are guilty of at least one… Are you?)
  • A simple process for finding the 7 key marketing campaign elements you need for winning campaigns
  • Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter’s coveted “6W Method” to quickly and reliably do high-impact customer research if you’re short on time

Module 4
The “Sacred Trinity”: Big Ideas, Headlines, Leads

This is where the “rubber meets the road”…

Because Module 4 is all about the highest-impact copywriting elements out there:

Big Ideas, Headlines, and Leads… PLUS, how they actually relate to each other.

So in this module, you’ll discover:

  • Why I call these 3 the “Sacred Trinity”… and how these elements all relate to each other
  • The mystical “Big Idea” concept… Demystified! (with plenty of practical examples, case studies, and even formulas!)
  • Previously untold A-list copywriting secrets about attention-grabbing headlines. (If you’ve ever wanted to improve your Headline game… you’ll LOVE this part!)
  • 6 of the greatest Lead “types” to start any sales message with ease… While building irresistible emotional desire in your prospect
  • My simple 10-step framework for creating any type of Lead in 15 minutes or LESS
  • My go-to “quick-n-dirty” Universal Lead Template you can copy-paste into ANY sales message to make it 3X more persuasive FAST

Module 5
The “Golden Thread” That Connects Your Big Idea With Your Offer

Once you know the secrets of the “Sacred Trinity”, it’s time to connect these elements with your Offer.


Module 5 reveals everything.

Inside this game-changing masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • How to effectively use the “Neuroplastic Belief-Shifting” Framework in ANY sales message
  • 6 things you NEED to know before weaving your “Golden Thread” (ATTENTION: Miss just 1 of these… and your entire marketing argument might crumble!)
  • What NOT to do when identifying your “North Star”: The One Buying Belief!
  • A super simple persuasive message template you can use to consistently pump out winning pieces of copy in just 30 mins (or less)
  • 3 unique belief-shifting strategies that melt away objections with ease (And covert even the most skeptical of people!)
  • How to do Proof Marketing RIGHT… without boring your readers to death
  • Agora Financial’s secret “CPB Technique” that makes their front-end promotions so profitable (A method so powerful, even Evaldo Albuquerque, the highest-paid copywriter of all time SWEARS by it!)
  • The 10 questions your prospects are always subconsciously asking when reading your copy… And how to pre-emptively answer them successfully!

Module 6
How to Make Your Competition Irrelevant by Using a Unique Mechanism

Our next topic is about Unique Mechanisms…

Which are essential in today’s world of “high-market sophistication” audiences.

During this module, you’ll discover:

  • What exactly is a “mechanism” (and why you also badly need one… especially today!)
  • The crucial difference between “common mechanisms” VS. “Unique Mechanisms” (And how to make yours truly stand out!)
  • How to find your unique mechanism in just 3 simple steps – even if you’re starting from scratch!
  • DOZENS of practical unique mechanism examples used in all sorts of proven marketing campaigns (Some of which have generated over $1 BILLION!)
  • The often-misunderstood (but critically important) difference between a Unique Mechanism (UM)… and a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • What never to call your Unique Mechanism… EVER! (Seriously… this one mistake can single-handedly invalidate your entire mechanism in an instant!)

Module 7
Once Upon a Time, There Was a “StorySelling Masterclass” That Rocked

Next up, Storytelling on STEROIDS! (which I like to call “StorySelling”)

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The REAL reason why almost every single persuasive message needs to use storytelling
  • The essential fundamentals of StorySelling you need to understand to create not just compelling stories… but PROFITABLE ones!
  • Why focusing on the story itself isn’t enough – no matter how good it is… (And the often-overlooked “secret ingredient” of great storytelling!)
  • The 4 “pillars” of highly effective StorySelling almost no one talks about
  • How to create a kickass Character / Hero for your story that your audience will easily resonate with
  • Ever heard of the “Hero’s Journey” before? You have? Well…that’s cool, and all… BUT did you know that there are actually TWO (2) journeys the Hero goes through, not just one? And this is THE single biggest point of difference between stories that are “meh”… and stories that are AMAZING!
  • 7 proven story archetypes you can copy/paste into your marketing funnels for an easy conversion boost
  • Where exactly to use these stories in your funnels (+ other useful tips)

Module 8
How To Create An Offer So Irresistible… Only a LUNATIC Would Ignore It

Once you have your “Big Idea”, Headline, Lead, Golden Thread, Unique Mechanism, and Stories…

It’s time to finally create an offer they can’t refuse!

So in Module 8, you’ll discover:

  • What exactly is a lucrative Offer (and how to make yours irresistible)
  • The #1 principle of ridiculously good offers you must always start with (DO NOT ignore this… because otherwise, your offer will fall flat on its face!)
  • How direct marketing TITANS like Claude Hopkins, Gary Halbert, Todd Brown, and Alex Hormozi approach irresistible offers (Including their popular frameworks!)
  • The ONLY 8 core offer “types” you need to successfully launch any type of product or service
  • Advanced risk-reversal strategies that melt away objections with ease… and know people off the fence like crazy!
  • How to present your offer for MAXIMUM impact in MINUMUM time
  • 5 proven offer blueprints you can steal and install in various parts of your sales funnels

Module 9
From “Master Structure” to Breakthrough Copy

In this strategic overview session, we’ll revisit the most important 80/20 principles of key topics like:

  • The Fundamental Principles of Direct Response Copywriting
  • The Psychology Behind Persuasive Copywriting & Copy-Thinking
  • The “No-Nonsense” 80/20 Marketing Research Process
  • The “Sacred Trinity”: Big Ideas, Headlines, Leads
  • The “Golden Thread” That Connects Your Big Idea With The Offer
  • How to Make Your Competition Irrelevant by Using a Unique Mechanism
  • Once Upon a Time, There Was a “StorySelling Masterclass” That  Rocked
  • How To Create An Offer So Irresistible… Only a LUNATIC Would Ignore It
  • The Breakthrough Copy Development Process (with Real-Life Example!)

As You Can See…

Breakthrough Conversions Academy really is:

  • The ONLY emotional response marketing system…
  • Based on the timeless wisdom of the greatest copywriters and marketers of all time…
  • That merges the most effective direct response principles with what’s working NOW in 2022
  • Into a repeatable, step-by-step process that anyone can use with ease

And the best part?

When you join, you get lifetime access to a proven system that will always be relevant…


Because the fundamental principles of human persuasion and psychology NEVER change.

Tactics change… media platforms change… and “fashionable” things change…

But NOT fundamental human psychology!

And Breakthrough Conversions Academy is all about hacking fundamental human psychology to convert more people and make more sales.

You can use this proven system to:

  • Supercharge your sales with an existing offer you’re currently selling
  • Create winning marketing campaigns for NEW products you’d like to sell
  • Craft high-converting copy for your clients… and generate a bunch of extra sales for THEM (so that they’ll pay you more and flood you with tons of referrals!)
  • Convert waaay more of your traffic, if you’re an affiliate marketer (and if there’s a leaderboard, crush your competition 😎)
  • AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Finally understand – on an almost visceral level – how persuasion REALLY works in marketing… and how you can reliably create profitable marketing campaigns for the rest of your life! (an *amazing* money-skill to have)

Big claims, I know…


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Breakthrough Conversions Academy - Csaba Borzasi
Breakthrough Conversions Academy – Csaba Borzasi
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