
Bob Proctor – Principles Of Prosperity


Dear Friend,

Since 1937, over 20 million copies of Think & Grow Rich have been sold, and it’s the #1 book most millionaires credit with their success.

So why isn’t it working for you yet?

I’ve got the secret for you right on this page – it’s kind of long, but isn’t having that powerful secret worth a few minutes of your time?

My name is Bob Proctor, star of The Secret and Think & Grow Rich movies, and the world’s foremost expert on success and the human mind.

I was once just like you.

Trying my very best – and coming up short.

Back then, I felt that life was pretty tough.

Never seemed to be enough time to do all the things I wanted to do.

And I just couldn’t get ahead in my career at all.

For a while, I thought I’d just have to settle for being ordinary.

I was frustrated.

With the nagging feeling that something was missing.

But I couldn’t put my finger on it.

It just sat there, deep inside.

Always faintly aware of the issue, but too busy living a ‘normal life’ to do anything about it.

That is… until I picked up a copy of Think & Grow Rich in October of 1961.

And nothing was ever the same again.

But here’s the thing…

The book didn’t transform my life overnight. Far from it. I worked and worked at it. Studied that book day and night. It was my bible.

My daily inspiration. My golden well of knowledge. I’d read some first thing in the morning. I’d read a chapter right before bed.

And any time I could sneak in a few pages around whatever else I was currently doing.

At first… it was a frustratingly slow progress. It seemed like I was getting nowhere fast.

The thought even crossed my mind that this might be part of some big hoax. Some made-up information designed to sell books.

The thought was warm and tempting as I lay there at night, cold, wondering where this ‘success’ was. And what on earth was taking it so darned long.

But then… something happened.

All the weight of that study, all that implementation, all that digesting of every chapter – started to pay off.

And I quickly grew to realize… what they said was true. Every word of it.

My career suddenly took off. My finances turned around on a dime.

But that’s not where it ended – my whole life began to transform.

I felt healthier. My relationships improved.

Everything I had been trying to attract over the past few years, suddenly started showing up.

When it happens for you – you’ll wonder where all this wealth and success has been hiding all these years.

The good news is: You don’t have to go through this as I did.

More on that in a moment…

Because even though it took me a while to realize the power of what I held in my hands…

Once I did – everything changed.

The trouble with other self help books & courses is they try to force you into a model that doesn’t work for you.

They tell you to see the world the way they want you to see it.

They paint a picture so vivid your soul yearns for it. But it’s often just another illusion designed to lure you into their world.

I am not like any of them.

They want you to see what they tell you to see. Feel what they tell you to feel. They want you to obey unconditionally. They wouldn’t have it any other way. There are much lower profits in honesty and integrity.

I have walked a mile in your shoes. I understand what its like to try everything yet achieve nothing. So I know exactly how sceptically you must be viewing this information.

It’s not your fault. Over the months and years of studying the gurus, of trying to emulate their success of following their advice, of investing in their information, barely a word of truth has emerged from their mouths. They want to tell you what to do, not how to do it.

They lure you into their traps.

Just as you can see the sun rise, you can see their illusions of success. You can hear their voices singing out to you. You can smell the sweet roses that lay at their feet. They draw you to them like moths to a flame.

But it’s all one big venus flytrap.

You’re at the edge, and they just want to give you one more push to send you over. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

It can be better.

Where there’s now a blank canvas, you will see a beautiful painting. Where there is silence, now you can hear a symphony.

This is what it’s like to truly understand the magical power of Think & Grow Rich.

And if your way’s not working, how about trying my way?

You don’t need to do this the hard way. Because I’ve already trodden the path.

I’ve paved the way for you to start attracting into your life everything you ever wanted.

So if you feel stuck, like nothing’s working for you – take heart.

I have the shortcut to success right here…

Principles of Prosperity

is going to finally bridge the gap between Think & Grow Rich and YOUR success. It’s the summary of 57 years of studying the book, extracting the lessons and implementing them.

So YOU don’t have to go through all that trial-and-error.

And no expense has been spared in the production of this program. This is not some guy sitting in a basement, recording himself with his phone.

We sent in a full video team to capture Bob and his insights in minute detail, with Hollywood quality.

This way, the information is not only useful – it’s entertaining and uniquely watchable.

And when you genuinely enjoy watching this, you’ll watch for longer and retain the information better.

When you enroll in Principles of Prosperity:

  • You’ll suddenly gain the ability to create synchronicities that almost magically line up perfect situations – so it seems like the universe has your back, and bad luck becomes a thing of the past
  • You’ll see the distillation of my 57 years of continuous study & implementation of the secrets of Think & Grow Rich – into short, easy-to-digest chunks you can use every day.
  • In fact – this is far greater than my own research – Napoleon Hill invested years with the world’s most successful people, picked their brains and became close friends with them. He discovered what made them successful, put it all in the book, and I’m expanding on that vast well of success in Principles of Prosperity
  • Dive deep into each of the 13 principles of Think & Grow Rich like no other resource has ever done before. Many people have just read the book and made millions – think how easy it will be when you have 10x the insight into each chapter
  • It’s your ‘GPS for success’ – simply pick whichever area you want to work on, go to that module video, and your answer will be there
  • Revealed: The simple trick Andrew Carnegie taught Napoleon Hill on that fateful night… a trick that enabled Hill to by far surpass his achievements and it can create astounding success in your life too, once you start practicing it
  • Here’s PROOF: I used that simple trick to go from absolutely nothing to having a company with offices around the world, all through the power of the mind, and of the belief this trick, an easy thing anybody can do, installed in me
  • You’ll finally begin to create your own reality… and not only that, but for the first time you’ll be in full conscious control of the process, and you’ll call the shots as to exactly what you manifest in your life
  • And best of all you’ll finally be Master Of Your Domain. Captain of your own ship. Living a life that’s deliberately chosen based on what you want, rather than drifting aimlessly or caught up drama and scarcity. You will be unleashed upon the world

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Bob Proctor – Principles Of Prosperity
Bob Proctor – Principles Of Prosperity
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