
Ashlyn Writes – Copywriting for Creatives


The thing most folks forget is that 80-90% of info is coveyed to the brain via imagery & visuals.

Amount of your brand that’s communicated visually ^^

Sliver of your marketing communicated with WORDS.

And it’s not even all the same 20% from buyer to buyer. 😳

In fact, we’ve done the research (even built a whole quiz on it) outlining there are 4 buying types in your audience—

🧭 Poised & polished, she wants the methodical “how”
📊 Sassy & strategic, anti-fluff/high BS radar
🖤 Winsome charmer, ALL about the feels
💡 Whimsical visionary—your big-picture buyer


01. A rock-solid brand messaging kit

—the crown jewel which is your Onlyness Factor

—as the foundational slab of the whole structure. It’s based on what you DO own the monopoly on: your story.

02. Ear-to-the-ground systems

to constantly mine for those “What!? Get out of my head!” marketing moments with your audience, so no matter if you pivot, introduce a new offer, or change industries entirely, you know how to empathy hack your customer & client’s voice data.

03. Lawyer-up copy frameworks

that speak to all 4 major buying styles for the keystone pages of your website. You don’t need a huge site (unless you really want one). What you do need? To be able to measure—with numbers—if it’s converting … and know what to tweak to see lift.

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Ashlyn Writes – Copywriting for Creatives
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