
Amanda Craven – Love Cash E-Book


Here’s What You Get

  • Blueprint to Bestselling Success: Unlock my step-by-step guide designed by a bestselling author, tailored specifically for crafting compelling romance novels that sell.
  • Masterclass in Romance Genres: Dive deep into the most lucrative romance sub-genres, understanding what readers crave and how to deliver it.
  • Sizzling Scenes: Discover the art of writing scenes that sizzle with tension, passion, and conflict, keeping your readers hooked from start to finish.
  • Character Creation Secrets: Learn how to create unforgettable characters with emotional depth, dynamic relationships, and irresistible charm.
  • Plotting Perfection: Use my proven plotting templates and prompts that make crafting your story’s journey as easy as following treasure map.
  • Income Maximization Strategies: Uncover industry secrets on how to maximize your earnings, from launching your first book to building a loyal reader base.
  • Keyword Mastery: Learn how to master Amazon keywords and categories, ensuring your book finds its way into the hands of readers who are ready to fall in love with your story.
  • Marketing Magic for Authors: Get insider tips on creating a marketing plan that builds buzz, boosts sales, and brands you as a must-read author in the romance genre.
  • AI Activators: Do it all with or without the help of AI using my exclusive prompts and tips!

Here’s What’s Inside

Pg. 11 – Know what they want…the genres and sub-genres that have romance readers salivating

Pg. 19 – What readers want in each specific genre so you can give it to them!

Pg. 27 – Why Flaws and Growth are your best friends…

Pg. 34 – How you must be the ‘the little bit of chaos that keeps things interesting’

Pg. 37 – The Classic Plot Structures and why they save you a ton of time and work

Pg. 56 – The prompts I use to get bestselling plot ideas every time

Pg. 65 – My top writing tips – #2 is a humdinger!

Pg. 66 – How To Write Without Writing (yes, really)

Pg. 85 – What you should always use to start an irresistible book description…

Pg. 91 – Keywords and how to find the best ones – this can make or break your book’s success on Kindle

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Amanda Craven – Love Cash E-Book
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