


The AMK Protocol Training Modules

The AMK Protocol is a complete step-by-step video training course that shows you everything you need to know to win at buying adult traffic and never have to worry about money ever again.

It’s broken down across 5 separate modules with 40+ in-depth “over my shoulder” training videos…

Please understand:

It’s taken me almost a decade of in-the-trenches affiliate media buying experience to discover and develop what you’ll find in this training.

Not to mention, millions of dollars invested in adult advertising.

Let me break down each module and show you everything you’re about to learn:

Module 1  

In Module 1 we lay the foundations for your media buying career, everything you need to know and implement in order for you to reach Super Affiliate status.

  • Why do most affiliates in the industry fail and others absolutely dominate? They have “it”, find out what “it” is in this video.
  • Take a peek over my shoulder to see my morning routine. This is how I set each day up for success and ensure I have a very productive day.
  • Find out the single most important mindset shift that allowed me to break through into Super Affiliate territory. (Without this shift I would still be flapping about, without any real direction towards the top.)
  • Get ahead of the pack and fast track yourself by learning all of the industry lingo and traffic network abbreviations. (This one’s for you if you’re a newbie and just starting out)

  Module 2  

In Module 2, I walk you through all of the technical steps like buying your first domain name and hosting account, to getting your tracking software set up in order to run your first campaign.

  • How to register a domain name. You’ll need a main website where you will send all your prospects to sign up to the offers you’re promoting.
  • How to set up your hosting account. Next, you’ll need somewhere to host all of your landing pages.
  • Uploading your files. I’ll show you exactly how to upload your landing pages to your hosting server.
  • How to set up your tracking software. If you’re not tracking your campaigns, you will lose money fast. Setting up a tracking solution is a must!
  • How to join and get approved for affiliate networks. The networks I recommend joining and general tips for getting approved on networks.
  • I reveal the 2 biggest traffic networks I use every day. Get adult traffic from the world’s largest sources, the very sources Super Affiliates go to scale campaigns.

  Module 3  

In Module 3 I start to sprinkle in some Super Affiliate golden nuggets.

Firstly, I walk you through the different types of adult offers to promote, the payout models, pre sell landing pages, ad placements and types of banner angles you can try…

But then later on in this module I start to drop bombs like…

  • The kinds of Super Affiliate tactics I put into banner and landing page creation that sky rocket click through and conversion rates, and in turn, your ROI.
  • One of the most important things most affiliates overlook when choosing an offer to promote. (Literally makes or breaks a campaign.)
  • I reveal my highest converting offers that have been performing for me year after year, even to this day in 2021.
  • I show you exactly what ad placements you should start out with, to see the fastest profits possible.
  • Learn the psychology behind some of the best converting banners and landing pages that are working in 2021. Once you learn how and why specific creatives convert, you’ll be able to create your own highly converting banners and landing pages, and start to push the limits for yourself.
  • How to manually spy on your competition using free browser plugins. NEVER just go in blind and set up a random campaign, this is FATAL. Spy on the competition to get an idea of what’s already working, and deploy it.
  • A deep dive into automatic spying tools – Sit back and let bots do the heavy lifting for you.
  • Super simple banner creation with Photoshop. Don’t let your lack of design or Photoshop skills hold you back. Let me show you the simplest way to start creating your own banners from scratch, editing existing ones and even making animated GIFs.

  Module 4  

In Module 4, things start to get serious. I start revealing ways you can break down campaigns to find pockets of profits and turn losing campaigns into winners.

  • If it’s your first time, don’t worry, I’ll show you how Super Affiliates set up their campaigns to win.
  • How to avoid overwhelm when you start growing with hundreds of campaigns to manage. Learn how the pros organize their campaigns.
  • Learn the most important metric to watch when analyzing your campaign data. (This played a massive role for me in becoming a Super Affiliate.)
  • The #1 tweak you must do to your campaigns right now. If you’re not doing this, you are over paying for traffic, period.
  • The most overlooked targeting options that reveal pockets of profit in your campaigns. (I guarantee your losing campaigns have these pockets of profits in them right now.)
  • How to push the limits of your campaigns to squeeze the most ROI out of them – This is split testing like a pro…. well… Super Affiliate.

  Module 5  

Module 5 is purely dedicated to all things Super Affiliate, nothing held back, all my high-level tactics, shared here with you.

  • Learn exactly what separates the average affiliate from a Super Affiliate. HINT: It’s having an edge over your competition. How exactly? Well, in this video I’ll show you.
  • How to scale to $X, XXX figure profit days.
  • How to explode your ROI. Learn the 2 secret targeting options that most affiliates miss when setting up their campaigns.
  • How to have the fastest landing page loads times around. HINT: If you’re loading slower than your competitors, they are basically taking money right out of your pocket.
  • How to go beyond manual and automatic spying to uncover your competitors landing pages. And how to prevent them from using these same tactics on you.
  • Insider information on gaming the traffic network algorithms to use to your advantage. Get an edge over your competition by using these tactics.
  • How do you know if you’re bidding too high on an ad placement and overpaying for traffic? Typically, the traffic networks hide this information from you, but in this video, I reveal how you can work it out for yourself.
  • Advanced Photoshop skills. PLUS, how to find eye-catching images for high banner CTR and other high-level tactics.
  • Access to my personal Traffic Network Rolodex. Get all of my go to traffic networks in order to expand your campaign portfolio.
  • I reveal the highest quality “out of the box thinking” traffic sources for Adult offers. Here you will see the highest EPCs. Plus, I teach you exactly how to go out and find more of your own sources.
  • How to get an extra 10-20% ROI out of your campaigns – instantly, with no extra work.

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