
[GroupBuy] Ads Agency Unlocked – Mike Mancini


Who Uses Our Training?

We’ve helped hundreds of students start/grow their digital agencies, including


Whether you have experience or not, this agency training can help you.
Students love how easy and step-by-step the training is and is designed for beginners and experts alike.


Do you already have an existing agency? Are you looking to grow what you have and take your agency to the next level? We LOVE helping students build what they have.


Already have an existing digital agency and looking to scale it to the moon? I share EVERYTHING that I’ve done to scale my 7-figure Google Ads agency.

Created By An Agency Owner

(with an Active Agency)

Mike Mancini has been in the digital marketing game for more than 20 years.

In 2007, using what he had learned over the previous 7 years, Mike started an online t-shirt company and sold t-shirts to more than 90 countries in his first 6 months. He ran that company for over 6 years and sold it in 2013.

In 2013, Mike took his digital marketing expertise to other companies with his Google Ads agency “Mancini Digital” and currently serves clients in more than 19 states and multiple countries.

In 2021, Mike decided to help other aspiring entrepreneurs learn how to start, grow and scale their own digital marketing agencies and created his flagship digital marketing course “Ads Agency Unlocked”.

What Makes Our Training Different?

Starting a Digital Marketing Agency Doesn’t Have to be Difficult…
Especially if You Have the Blueprint.


I show you EXACTLY what I’m doing in my agency right over my shoulder. I make it easy to understand, follow and easy to implement. I WANT you to succeed with your agency.


I wanted to make my training accessible to most people. If you can get even ONE client using my methods, you’ve more than paid for this Ads Agency training.

Active Agency

A lot of people who teach online, don’t actually do what they teach. However, I do all of these things EVERY DAY in my digital marketing agency.

Proven Formula

This is the EXACT formula I’ve used in my agency to start, build and scale it over the last 10 years. This is also the same formula I’ve used to train more than 125 students.

Getting New Clients

Getting new clients is one of the hardest parts about starting a new agency. I show you EXACTLY how I get my clients to this day. I hold nothing back.

Keeping Clients

The key to a successful agency is getting good clients and keeping them long term. I show you how I do this in my agency and I’ve kept my average client for more than 4 years.

Time Sensitive

This training is set up so you can do it as your full time job or as you find time if you already have a career. The training videos are short and easy to fit into your busy schedule.

Working On… Not In

I want to teach you how to work ON your business and not IN your business. Yes, this does take time, but when you learn it, your work/life balance is AMAZING!

As Big As You Want

Maybe you just want to make an extra $1,000 month? Maybe 6-figures/year. What about 7-Figures? The choice is yours. I show you how to get there no matter how big you want to get.

The “Ads Agency Unlocked” Process

Module #1

Mindset & Tracking

This is more important than most people realize. If you don’t have the right MINDSET going into starting your own digital marketing agency, you won’t succeed.

You also need to know how to track everything (leads, calls, communication, etc,) otherwise you won’t know what’s working and what’s not. I show you exactly how I do it in my digital agency.

Module #2

Setting Up Your Agency

Setting up your brand new digital marketing agency is fairly straight forward, simple and quick.

But I share with you tips, tricks and things that I’ve learned along the way to help you to avoid the pitfalls and get off to a blazing start in your new business.

Module #3

The Client Module

You don’t have a new digital agency without clients. In this module, I show you EVERYTHING I’ve ever done to get new clients.

Old tactics, new tactics and I’m constantly testing new methods in client acquisition and sharing EVERYTHING with you.

What works, what doesn’t, my results, etc. If you don’t have clients, you don’t have a digital agency.

Module #4

The Tools

Yes, there are tools that I use in my agency, however, you don’t need those tools until you have clients. Make sense?

Once you have those clients, then you can use some of those funds to purchase/use those tools.

I show you how to build your business with what you have and THEN how to use the right tools. And yes, I show you step-by-step how to use the tools I use in my digital agency.

Module #5

Landing Page Setup

In this module I show you the importance of having landing pages vs. sending people to a separate website.

Every GOOD agency uses this tactic. Then I show you how to build them out quickly and easily using templates I provide for you.

This is a huge time saver and your clients will thank you when you bring them WAY more leads than they are getting with their own websites.

Module #6

Call Tracking

If you’re not measuring calls from your efforts, you’re losing out on more than half of your leads. Yep… if you’re not measuring/tracking… you’re campaign is dying.

I show you how to measure calls for your clients because if you’re not measuring… you’re not going to succeed.

These calls go directly to your clients and you take all of the credit.

Module #7

Conversion Tracking

This ties into the Call Tracking module as we give potential leads the choice to call your clients or fill out a form (yes… more people than you think will actually fill out forms).

In fact, in some instances, it’s 50% (or more) of the leads that come in.

I show you how to set up your conversion tracking so that you’re making sure you’re getting credit for all those leads you’ll be getting your clients.

Module #8

Google Ads Training

Here’s where I show you how to set up a Google campaign from scratch.

I show you how to build a Google Ads campaign with the custom tools I’ve built in my own agency over the last 9 years. These tools will help you build out ENTIRE campaigns in a couple of hours vs. days using the Google Ads interface.

These tools are the number one time saving tools that I use in my business. I also show you how to build out a campaign CORRECTLY from the start.

Module #9

Client Management / Outsourcing

In this module I show you step-by-step how I manage my clients every day.

What to do if you think you might lose a client. How to keep clients coming back to you for YEARS (over 60% of my clients have been with me for 4 years OR LONGER).

I also show you how to outsource your business to contractors / virtual assistants so that you can have the agency you have always wanted. And it’s easier than you think.

Module #10

Scaling – The Day to Day

In this module I show you how you can scale your new digital marketing agency to become as big as you want it to (there is no limit).

I also walk through my day-to-day in running my agency. Where I spend my time and where I outsource it.

This is where I show you how I run my ENTIRE digital agency in 90-minutes/day (and no… I’m not kidding). This is EXACTLY how my agency runs to this day.

Module #11


Here’s where I show you how to optimize your campaigns. How to figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it.

I show you the exact steps I take and what I do (and what I outsource).

It’s not as complicated as you think and will save you a ton of time and help keep your clients coming back.


The AAU Community

You also get access to our “Ads Agency Unlocked” Community. This is a group of our PAID course agency owners who are putting our training into action.

Connect with other owners, ask questions and get answers. Mike also chimes in here on a daily basis to answer questions and offer his guidance.

This is NOT a Facebook™ group. It’s SO MUCH MORE!


Weekly Coaching Calls

This is where you can get personal help and your questions answered. Whether it’s questions about technical issues, Google Ads, or running / scaling your agency, this is the call for you.

Mike PERSONALLY runs these weekly coaching calls to help you get the most out of the “Ads Agency Unlocked” course.

All calls are then recorded and put into our member’s area for you to review if you can’t make the call.


The SaaS Agency Module

This is where I show you additional services that you can sell in your digital marketing agency to your customers.

You can use these services to get clients coming in the door and then upsell them to Google Ads or you can use this as a standalone portion of your business.

It’s up to you and it’s a free bonus that I’ve thrown in with more than 18 videos.

Take a Deeper Look Inside The Modules

Our Training Modules (124 Lessons)

Module #1 – Mindset & Tracking (9 Modules)

Lesson #1 – What to Expect – Timeline – Mindset *

Lesson #2 – Building Bridges *

Lesson #3 – What You Need & What You Don’t

Lesson #4 – Goal Setting *

Lesson #5 – Lead Tracking *

Lesson #6 – Salary

Lesson #7 – LTV – Lifetime Value of a Client *

Lesson #8 – Quick Understanding of Google

Lesson #9 – Getting New Digital Marketing Clients / Mindset

Module #2 – Setting Up Your Agency (5 Modules)

Lesson #1 – Top Tips for Moving Forward *

Lesson #2 – Who is Your Ideal Client? *

Lesson #3 – The Client Relationship Factor

Lesson #4 – The Revenue Model

Lesson #5 – 80/20 Everything

Module #3 – The Client Module (22 Modules)

Lesson #1 – The Big Boys

Lesson #2 – The Client Lesson / The Client Tree *

Lesson #3 – Qualifying a Client

Lesson #4 – Cold Email Training & Template *

Lesson #5 – Dissecting Google Ads to Find New Clients*

Lesson #6 – Sample Sales Call / Script **

Lesson #7 – ROI Calculator *

Lesson #8 – Offer Stacking – Making an Irresistible Offer

Lesson #9 – Figuring Out Your Ads Budget

Lesson #10 – Finding / Researching Competition

Lesson #11 – The Onboarding Process / Worksheet *

Lesson #12 – Setting Client Expectations

Lesson #13 – Using Google to Find Clients (Already Using Google Ads) / Motivation

Lesson #14 – It’s a Numbers Game / Spreadsheet / Motivation

Lesson #15 – Email Templates, Subject Lines, Spreadsheet & More*

Lesson #16 – How Many Emails to Send

Lesson #17 – Using Facebook to Find Potential Clients

Lesson #18 – Sample Proposal / Write Up*

Lesson #19 – Using YouTube to Grow Your Agency

Lesson #20 – YouTube Videos Work

Lesson #21 – Developing Partnerships

Lesson #22 – Client Prospecting Software Run Through

Module #4 – The Tools (7 Modules)

Lesson #1 – Tools That You Need & Tools That You Don’t

Lesson #2 – Setting Up & Accepting Payments

Lesson #3 – ABC’s of Google Ads *

Lesson #4 – Set Up Google MCC & New Account

Lesson #5 – Hook Existing Google Ads Account to Your MCC

Lesson #6 – Setting Up a Google Ads Campaign

Lesson #7 – Setting Up Ad Extensions / Assets

Module #5- Landing Page Setup (8 Modules)

Lesson #1 – The Importance of Landing Pages

Lesson #2 – Setting Up Landing Pages Example #1

Lesson #3 – Setting Up Landing Pages Example #2

Lesson #4 – Hook Up Landing Pages to Client’s Website

Lesson #5 – Set up Google Analytics and Connect to Landing Page Example #1

Lesson #6 – Set up Google Analytics and Connect to Landing Page Example #2

Lesson #7 – Setting up Google Analytics Goals

Lesson #8 – Click to Call Tracking Numbers

Module #6- Call Tracking Setup (4 Modules)

Lesson #1 – Why Measuring Your Phone Calls is Vital

Lesson #2 – The Setup Overview

Lesson #3 – Setting Up Call Tracking

Lesson #4 – Connecting Your Call Tracking to Google

Module #7- Conversion Tracking (5 Modules)

Lesson #1 – What is a Lead/Conversion?

Lesson #2 – Setting Up Conversion Tracking Part 1 (for Service Business Clients)

Lesson #3 – Setting up Conversion Tracking (for eCommerce Clients)

Lesson #4 – Adding Call Extensions / Assets

Lesson #5 – Setting Up Conversion Tracking Part 2

Module #8- Google Ads (16 Modules)

Lesson #1 – The Different Types of Google Ads

Lesson #2 – The Difference Between Service Ads and eCommerce Ads

Lesson #3 – Google Ads / Keywords / Ads Editor Overview *

Lesson #4 – The Keyword Rabbit Hole – IMPORTANT! WATCH THIS!!!

Lesson #5 – Keyword Selection **

Lesson #6 – Simplified Keyword Spreadsheet

Lesson #7 – Crafting Your Google Ads * (Responsive Search Ads)

Lesson #8- Response Text Ad Generator * (New Way for 2022-23)

Lesson #9 – Uploading EVERYTHING in a Few Clicks (saves you HOURS of time)

Lesson #10 – The Negative Keyword List *

Lesson #11 – Blocking Competitors

Lesson #12 – Setting Up Client Reporting *

Lesson #13 – Auto Apply Recommendations

Lesson #14 – Campaign Launch – Final Checklist *

Lesson #15 -Setting Client’s Expectations ***

Lesson #16 – The Moment of Truth

Module #9 – Client Management / Outsourcing (5 Modules)

Lesson #1 – The Client Calendar *

Lesson #2 – The Client Conversations

Lesson #3 – The Outsourcing Overview

Lesson #4 – How I Know What to Outsource

Lesson #5 – The Outsourcing Templates ****

Module #10- Scaling / Day to Day (3 Modules)

Lesson #1 – Intro to Scaling

Lesson #2 – The Day to Day

Lesson #3 – The Top 3 Reasons Digital Marketing Agencies Fail

Module #11 – Optimization (8 Modules)

Lesson #1 – Google Ads Optimization – Overview

Lesson #2 – Dealing with Click Fraud*

Lesson #3 – Changing Your Budgets and Pausing Your Campaigns

Lesson #4 – Google Keeps Calling Me

Lesson #5 – Weekly Optimization

Lesson #6 – Monthly Optimization – Part A

Lesson #7 – Monthly Optimization – Part B

Lesson #8 – Location Targeting

Module #12 (BONUS) – The SaaS Agency Model (19 Modules)

Lesson #1 – Watch First (what to NOT do)

Lesson #2 – What does the SaaS Software Do?

Lesson #3 – How the SaaS Software Can Save/Make You Money

Lesson #4 – Warning Video about SaaS Software Setup

Lesson #5 – Get Your Domain Name*

Lesson #6 – Sign Up for the SaaS Software & Get Templates*

Lesson #7 – The SaaS Software Walkthrough

Lesson #8 – Set Up Your Stripe Account (to Accept Payments)

Lesson #9 – Twilio Setup

Lesson #10 – Mailgun Setup

Lesson #11 – The SaaS Domain Setup

Lesson #12 – Uploading the Templates*

Lesson #13 – Final Domain Setup

Lesson #14 – Customizing Your Website

Lesson #15 – Customizing Your Funnels

Lesson #16 – Setting Up Your Calendars

Lesson #17 – Phone Numbers & Triggers

Lesson #18 – Launchpad Setup

Lesson #19 – Automation Template Customization

Module #13 – Bonuses / Big West Academy (13 Modules)

Lesson #1 – The Marketing Multiplier

Lesson #2 – Welcome to the Big West Academy

Lesson #3 – What is Local SEO

Lesson #4 – Google My Business Done Right

Lesson #5 The Importance of your Address

Lesson #6 – How to Report Shady Competitors

Lesson #7 – Citation Turbo Boosters

Lesson #8 – Backlinks for Dummies

Lesson #9 – Let’s Talk Websites

Lesson #10 – How to Outsource EVERYTHING

Lesson #11 – Final Q&A

Lesson #12 – Bonus: Google My Business Suspensions

Lesson #13 – Bonus: Multi-City Ranking Secrets

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Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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Ads Agency Unlocked - Mike Mancini
[GroupBuy] Ads Agency Unlocked – Mike Mancini
$797.00 $22.00 Add to Cart

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