$2K/Day Website – Duston Mcgroarty


What’s this $2K/Day Website all about?

In one word, it’s about FREEDOM.

Freedom to do as you please.

Work when you want. Where you want. For whoever you want.

To write your own paycheck.

To live life on your terms.

Come and go as you please.

Take vacations on a whim.

Pay cash for a brand new ride.

Pay off your house.

Buy a second house.

Buy a beach house.

Donate to charity.

Do whatever you want.

You deserve it.

And you’ll be helping desperate people who REALLY need your help.

You’ll feel good about what you’re doing.

Excited to wake up each morning.

You’ll see life in a whole new way.

Seem out of reach for you?

I get it.

I struggle with self-confidence on a daily basis too.
It’s awful.
I’m here to help you get through it.
Every step of the way.
You see, I’ve already been where you’re at right now.
I know the struggle is real. I’ve experienced it first-hand.
Now I’m offering you a shortcut.
What took me YEARS to accomplish can literally happen for you in a matter of a few short days.

My brand new $2K/Day Website is the real deal…

What I’m offering to a very small number of people is an exact copy of my $2K/DAY WEBSITE.

This is NOT your average website.
This same website took a brand new affiliate campaign…
An affiliate campaign of mine that started with nothing
No reputation in this niche…
No following in this niche…
No existing email list in this niche…
No products of my own in this niche…
And within a few short days…
It began generating MORE THAN $2K/DAY in affiliate commissions…
On 100% complete autopilot.
Here’s a screenshot showing the affiliate commissions this website generated for me in ONE DAY (August 23, 2022):
A few things to note from the traffic dashboard screenshot:
1. I’m not promoting the traffic network’s built-in offers, so that’s why it shows $0.00 in the ‘Payout’ box.
2. The ‘Conversions’ box is showing how many email sign-up conversions I had that day, not how many sales conversions I had. The affiliate dashboard shows the correct number of sales conversions.

Anyhoo… needless to say…

I’m pretty dang happy with the results from my $2K/Day Website.
Best part is…

The setup took me a few hours and I haven’t touched it once since then!

Can you believe that?!

I set up this ENTIRE $2K/Day Website…
In just a few hours, and…
I haven’t touched ANYTHING since the day I set it up!
It’s such a simple little website…
I could easily teach my 12-year-old son how to set it up!
The entire website is only 4 simple little pages.
Here’s a preview of the website outline you’ll receive when you enroll:

And if that seems overwhelming to you, don’t worry, it’s actually very simple once you understand what it all means lol!

I promise, I’ll explain it all, every single step in thorough detail for you so you can understand just how simple it really is.


You don’t need any fancy, expensive page-building software either!
I built this entire site as a plain old static HTML website…
Yep, I’m talking “static-HTML-style” straight outta 1994 lol!
But guess what… it FRICKIN’ WORKS… so who cares what it looks like?! Right?
Remember, all that matters at the end of the day is whether or not it accomplishes the task at hand.
And my $2K/Day Website does just that.
I’m sure by now…
You’re probably wondering…

What are the costs involved?

The costs can be broken down into three categories:

1. Tools/software ($146/month maximum)—Tools required to run an internet-based business including a domain name, web hosting, email autoresponder, and tracking software.
2. Traffic ($600/month minimum)—Traffic can come from any traffic source you’d like but there’s one specific source I HIGHLY recommend with very affordable CPCs ($0.05/click or less) for quality United States traffic. The other cool thing about this traffic source is you can purchase as much or as little as you like… with the minimum being $20/day. You can also “pause” from buying traffic for a week or two, or as many weeks as you like, without hurting your online business at all.
3. Website Investment (Confidential)—The website investment will be provided upon acceptance into the program. The fact that you made it to this page means you’re eligible to receive a copy of my $2K/Day Website, BUT… I’m only making a certain number of copies available, for obvious saturation reasons in the market.
What’s funny is, I was doing some research on the average fee to purchase different franchise businesses… HOLY SMOKES are they expensive or what?!
Look at a few of the franchise fees I found for some popular restaurant franchises:
  » Subway: $15,000
  » Chick-fil-A: $10,000
  » Burger King: $50,000
$50K for a frickin’ Burger King?!
Like, what the heck, man?!!!
Guess what… people who fork out any of those franchise fees will be lucky if they ever make over $100,000/year in profit from a single location.
I’m not saying that to put anyone down. Not at all.
I’m only using them to compare to this internet business where the gap between the upfront investment and the earning potential is so much larger.

What do I get?

A better question is, what DON’T you get? Seriously!

» You’ll get everything you need directly from me. Your entire internet business, start to finish.
» You’ll get a copy of my $2K/Day Website PROVEN to siphon hundreds, if not thousands, of leads per day out of this one specific niche.
» You’ll get my entire email follow-up sequence, written by ME personally, and designed to convert any unconverted leads that still remain on your email list.
» You’ll get exclusive access to my underground traffic source where you can literally buy an ENDLESS amount of highly-targeted clicks at discounted CPCs.
» You’ll get my hand-selected shortlist of high-converting products to promote, so you can be sure to turn as many clicks as possible into cash.
» You’ll get my in-depth video training detailing the complete setup of your internet business, your email autoresponder, your traffic campaign, and more. Everything you need will be recorded on video for you to watch, step-by-step (never released before).
» Finally, and most importantly, you get ME. Unlimited, one-on-one, access to me. I’ll even set up your ENTIRE internet business for you… which is INSANE!! That’s how much I want to see you succeed with this. I’m determined to do everything I can to make this as drop-dead easy as possible for YOU.

What’s the catch, Duston?

Well, it’s basically a numbers problem.

I’m making this offer available to my entire email list which is currently sitting at 2,532 ENGAGED subscribers.

Many of those subscribers have purchased a number of my past trainings, some have purchased every single training I’ve ever released. I have a small, but very, VERY loyal following.
As you can imagine, I will likely be inundated with applications for this new program.
And, therein lies the problem. I’m only one person. There’s only so much time in the day. Truth is, there’s only so much time that I actually WANT to work each day.
For those reasons, I’m keeping this group small and I’m only making a VERY small number of copies of my $2K/Day Website available so there’s plenty of one-on-one time available for each person.


When these spots are filled, this page will automatically redirect to a “Closed” page. Luckily for you, since you’re still reading, there’s still at least one spot open.

What should you do next?

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, leave your name, email, and mobile number (optional) below.

IMPORTANT: I’ve also included a field below named, Your Reason Why.
Because I know I’m gonna get slammed with applications, I need a way to choose you based on something other than just your willingness to pay.
I want people who not only are a good fit to receive a copy of my $2K/Day Website, but also people who truly want to succeed. I want people who have a good REASON WHY.
I want people who are willing to do the work, willing to follow my very simple instructions, and willing to LET THEMSELVES SUCCEED.
All of your responses and personal information will be kept private and sent directly to me.
I will PERSONALLY be going through each application and hand-selecting each person.
I’m looking to get started quickly. You should expect an email from me in the next 12-24 hours (or sooner) with my decision.
That’s it, fill out the form below to apply now for your own copy of my $2K/Day Website:
Sales Page:_https://secure.dustonmcgroarty.com/aes-enroll-now


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$2K/Day Website - Duston Mcgroarty
$2K/Day Website – Duston Mcgroarty

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